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one project at a time
KPA News
KPA News
KPA News
We understand your community relies on you to get engineering plans done on time and on budget. This is why for 37 years municipalities all over Central Texas have relied on our engineering expertise to complete projects effectively and efficiently.
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19 N. Main Street
Temple, TX 76501
(254) 773-3731
800 South Austin Avenue
Georgetown, Texas 78626
(512) 819-9478
(254) 765-4238
Simcik Attends TSPE Annual Meeting
On June 26-27, John A. Simcik, PE, CFM attended the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) Conference and 72nd Annual Meeting in San Antonio. In addition to attending continuing education seminars, Mr. Simcik also participated in the Annual Membership and Board of Directors Meeting. During the Professional Engineers in Private Practice (PEPP) Division Breakfast Meeting […]
Kasberg accepts nomination
Rick N. Kasberg, P.E. accepted the nomination to serve as the 2008 and 2009 District Chairman for the Boy Scouts of America Longhorn Council of Central Texas. Mr. Kasberg’s responsibilities as Chairman will include recruiting individuals as operating chairs for finance; membership and programs; presiding at monthly district committee meetings; representation on the Council Executive […]
Ginger Tolbert named “Altrusan of the Year”
Ginger R. Tolbert, P.E. was named “Altrusan of the Year” by Altrusa International, Inc. of Temple for her dedicated service and leadership to the club and community. Altruism is defined as “unselfish regard or devotion to the welfare of others”. Altrusa International, Inc. of Temple is a service club for professionals with a purpose to […]
Valle & Tolbert receive 2007 TSPE Awards
“ENGINEER OF THE YEAR” – THOMAS D. VALLE, P.E. KPA Partner Thomas D. Valle, P.E. was named 2007 Engineer of the Year for the Central Texas Region by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers at their annual banquet held in late February in Waco, Texas. Mr. Valle is a past President of the TSPE Central […]
Sutton nominated to Belton Chamber Board
Trae Sutton, PE has been nominated to the 2008 Belton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Mr. Sutton is an active member in the Belton Lions Club and serves as Secretary in the Rotary Club of Belton. Trae has been employed with Kasberg, Patrick & Associates, LP since his graduation from Texas A&M University in […]
Sutton attends ASCE Fall Meeting
Trae Sutton, PE attended the Texas Section American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Fall Meeting held in Fort Worth October 4-6, 2007. Mr. Sutton is the Director for the Central Texas Branch of ASCE. Trae participated in the Section Director’s Board Meeting as well as Technical Seminars that were being presented at the meeting.
TABA Stormwater Phase II Seminar
John Simcik, PE, CFM and Trae Sutton, PE attended a seminar on the 2007 Texas Storm Water Compliance Training put on by the Temple Area Builders Association (TABA). This Seminar was an effort to educate the local building community regarding the TPDES Stormwater Phase II Program administered by TCEQ regarding best management practices in order […]
Krumnow attends Leadership Conference
Douglas Krumnow, Manager of the KPA CAD Department, attended the Leadership Development and Teambuilding Conference on August 23, 2007. The conference was held in Temple at the Frank W. Mayborn Convention Center and hosted by Skillpath.
Valle Attends Siemens Water Academy
Thomas D. Valle, P.E. was one of fifty attendees from across the country at the 2007 Siemens Water Academy held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin July 18th through 19th, 2007. Siemens water professionals presented in-depth presentations on the following wastewater treatment topics: Biological Nutrient Removal – How Does it Work? Orbal and VLR Design – What is […]
Simcik attends TSPE 71st Annual Meeting in Houston
John A. Simcik, P.E., C.F.M., was recently installed as the Region II Vice President at the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) 71st Annual Meeting held June 13th-15th at the Omni Hotel in Houston. As Region II Vice President, Mr. Simcik will preside at the meetings of delegates from their respective region at the time […]
Patrick & Simcik attend CFM continuing education
May 10, 2007 – David Patrick and John Simcik attend the Certified Floodplain Management Conference at Rice University. David Patrick, P.E., C.F.M. and John Simcik, P.E., C.F.M. attended the Certified Floodplain Managers Conference held on the campus of Rice University in Houston, Texas. The focus of the short courses involved utilizing HEC-RAS in the management […]
Sutton named TSPE Young Engineer of the Year 2006
KPA Associate, Alvin R. “Trae” Sutton, III, P.E, was named 2006 Young Engineer of the Year for the Central Texas Region by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE) at their annual banquet held in late February. Mr. Sutton currently serves as the MathCounts coordinator on behalf of TSPE Central Texas Chapter and is the […]