Thomas ValleThomas Valle co-authored a technical paper entitled “Recovering Capacity of a Fouled Membrane” and participated in the presentation of the paper at the 2010 Texas Water Conference held in Corpus Christi in April 2010. Texas Water is billed as the “largest regional water conference in the U.S.” and is attended by water professionals from across Texas and the southwest region.
The paper detailed the historical operation of the City of Temple Membrane Treatment Facility, the subsequent findings of a study performed by KPA to determine the cause of the fouling / reduced capacity of the facility and the operation after implementation of the recommended modifications to cleaning procedures.

The Study and subsequent construction project are detailed here.

Co-authors of the paper were Nicole Torralva, P.E., City of Temple and Greg Pope, P.E. and Hani Michel, P.E., both with Carollo Engineneers.