Temple Reinvestment Zone Quality of Life 2030 Master Plan
Temple, TX
Project Description: The Temple Reinvestment Zone (TRZ) views the City of Temple as an adaptive city with a robust and diversified economy that enhances its residents’ community, educational, and cultural life to become a network of interconnected neighborhoods that enjoy the highest quality of life. The TRZ 2030 Quality of Life Master Plan (QLMP) is a guide and representation of the aspirations, goals, and priorities of the City of Temple.
The QLMP objective is to provide and create a road map for the city of Temple that outlines improvement, reflecting on a vision for the city’s ideal future while identifying what the community wants to preserve. These improvements will enhance the community, education, and cultural life of its residents. The QLMP provides tangible benefits to the community that has economic, environmental, and social impacts.
Throughout this QLMP, there is a strong focus on increasing the quality of life through the emphasis on economic prosperity, placemaking, connectivity, and public well-being. The life force of a city is its ability to increase employment opportunities, implement new technologies, and provide a place for industries to grow. Projects such as Industrial Park, Corporate Campus, and additional Downtown enhancements were all created to boost the City of Temple’s economy.
The placemaking aspect of the master plan is enhanced by focusing on the public’s image of the city. The I-35 Gateway District, MLK Festival Grounds, and Santa Fe Plaza are all projects that were completed to add to Temple’s bountiful arena promoting its current offerings and bringing the community together.
Connections among people and their surroundings were significant to the connectivity aspect of the QLMP. Many infrastructure advancements were included in the master plan, with newly added gateways, roadways, trails, and sidewalks helping improve public mobility. These infrastructure systems provide viable options and create an interconnected network of neighborhoods through vehicular, pedestrian, and other modes of transportation, giving the citizens the highest quality of life.
Public well-being is all about the quality of life and making the community a place where people will want to live, and this idea is a significant value throughout the QLMP. Multi-million-dollar developments in Temple, Texas, including Crossroads Park, Santa Fe Market Trail, and Downtown Santa Fe Plaza, were incorporated into this master plan to provide a place where people want to live, work, and play.
The Temple Reinvestment Zone 2030 Master Plan presented many challenges and opportunities. The project required a yearlong commitment and involved a large steering committee that included City Staff, Temple Reinvestment Zone Board members, and selected citizens. Despite the challenges faced during development, the final plan featured over seventy projects with visioning exhibits and a detailed capital improvement program that produced a roadmap for the city of Temple’s quality of life, pedestrian networks, and infrastructure.