Temple Mobility Master Plan
Temple, TX
Project Description: The Temple Mobility Master Plan (MMP) is a bold transportation planning initiative that creates a road map to create a balanced transportation system that provides mobility choices and improves livability and quality of life.
Throughout the development of the Temple Mobility Master Plan, KPA Engineers collaborated with the City of Temple, Alliance Transportation Group, and Covey Planning + Architecture to provide innovative recommendations that enhance the City’s current transportation network. Robust public and stakeholder engagement was a key driver of the development of the MMP, and the resulting document is a community-driven plan for a rapidly growing city.
Roadway recommendations were evaluated and selected using a technical and analytical process. The process began with the key findings of the comprehensive system analysis, public engagement activities, scenario analysis, Thoroughfare Plan development, and an extensive network evaluation.
A significant component of the MMP was analyzing multiple scenarios of priority, investment, benefit, and application of different modes of transportation to assess reasonable recommendations for the network. Scenario Planning visualizes outcomes across the community vision and goals, including transportation, economics, and social equity. Each mode of transportation evaluated is dynamic and adheres to different internal and external influences, leading to varied analysis processes and measures.
This new Master Plan will help guide the development and implementation of a multimodal transportation system that can best serve the community as the City of Temple grows and ensures Temple’s transportation system remains safe, functional, and accessible for all.
Find a draft of the Temple Mobility Master Plan by visiting, https://templemmp.transportationplanroom.com/document