Temple-Belton WWTP Evaluation & Preliminary Design | City of Temple & Belton
Belton, TX
Project Description: The project consisted of an evaluation of the existing system, including lift stations, force mains, headworks, biological reactor, clarification, solids dewatering, disinfection, solids handling and odor control including preparation of engineering calculations to determine the existing capacities of each. In addition to evaluating the existing system, population and flow projections were prepared and a phased construction schedule recommended. The preliminary design report required Mr. Valle to manage the work of KPA and AECOM team members to successfully complete the project.
This study consisted of a comprehensive description and evaluation of the TBRSS existing collection system, treatment facilities and processes, biosolids handling and compost process, and the development of recommended improvements/modifications to expand the treatment plant to meet future demands and enhance the operations. We also conducted specific studies to identify and quantify odor generators and develop recommended odor control alternatives. The TBRSS serves the City of Belton and part of the City of Temple. The study findings and recommendations were summarized in a written report dated June 6, 2008, and includes a three-phased construction approach at a combined opinion of probable cost (OPC) of $45 million.
Scope of Services: Investigations and evaluation process technologies, preliminary design, population and flow projections, technical writing, and prepared opinion of probable construction costs.
Contract Value: $854,665.50 Temple | $339,599.50 Belton