Shell Road Sidewalk Improvement Project | City of Georgetown
Georgetown, TX
Project Description: This project consisted of installing approximately 2,800 linear feet of 5’ sidewalk along Shell Road in Georgetown. This work consisted of constructing a new sidewalk that provided access along the project route, furnishing and installing pedestrian ramps, crosswalks, stop bars, and signage from the south of Rosedale Boulevard to Bellaire Drive and Sequoia Spur to the existing sidewalk south of Sequoia Spur located along Shell Road. The Contractor was Patin Construction, LLC of Taylor, Texas. The project began in March of 2020 and was completed in July of 2020.
Scope of Services: Preliminary Engineering, Final Design (Plans and Specifications), Opinion of Probable Cost, Bidding, Review of Bids and Recommendation of Award and Construction Administration
Construction Cost: $229,825