Neighborhood Planning District | City of Temple
Temple, TX
Project Description: Working alongside residents in each neighborhood and the City of Temple, with the mission to identify neighborhood concerns, values, vision, and goals, KPA Engineers and Covey Planning + Landscape Architecture developed long-range plans for each neighborhood district.
For this project, we divided the city into 18 neighborhood planning districts. Each district plan has a similar planning process complementing the City’s Comprehensive Plan with a more focused effort at the neighborhood level. The plans look at the existing conditions and engage residents to derive genuine information and direction from the district.
While using the best practices for planning, each plan’s results define specific recommendations for each planning area. The plan strongly emphasizes improving the quality of life and increasing access to affordable housing. In collaboration with KPA Engineers, we examined mobility, safety, land use, housing, public space, and infrastructure to create a healthy and happy community. The result is a list of actionable items identifying programs, strategies, initiatives, and capital improvement projects to help achieve each neighborhood’s goals.
These neighborhood plans identified projects to improve and facilitate connections to existing resources. Throughout the planning process, Covey embraced community engagement, aiming for a people-oriented approach to plan creation, implementation, and continued neighborhood sustainability.
To find out more about these neighborhood planning districts, visit,