KPA Congratulates, Camryn Bintz, CPA, CCIFP, Leadership Temple Class President

Class of 2022-2023

Please join us as we congratulate Camryn Bintz, CPA, CCIFP, as she begins her tenure as Class President for the Leadership Temple Class of 2022-2023! 

Leadership Temple is a professional development and education program designed to help current and emerging leaders understand the community dynamics and leadership’s role in its long-term success. It seeks to inform participants about Temple’s history, government, economy, social issues, needs and opportunities, and the existing processes for dealing with them. It seeks to foster dialogue among participants and current leaders of Temple and encourage participants to actively engage in community activities that contribute to the community’s growth and betterment.

Camryn graduated from Leadership Temple in 2020, became the Curriculum Chair for the 2021-2022 class, and now leads the class of 2022-2023 as the Class President. Congratulations, Camryn, and to those accepted into the Leadership Temple program!

To read more about the Leadership Class of 2022-2023, visit