Completion of Georgetown’s Airport Road Improvements

Georgetown, TX
With the expected population growth and the development of new commercial businesses along Georgetown’s Airport Road, the existing two-lane roadway just wouldn’t be suitable for the influx of vehicles. The City of Georgetown recognized that traffic delays can be frustrating and hired KPA to design a new, five-lane road to increase functionality. The approximately 1 mile of Airport Road improvements extend from Lakeway Drive to Aviation Drive. The project also included utility installation, drainage improvements, signing and striping, and water quality elements. Take a look at the final results of this project!

Scope of Services: Preliminary and Final Design, TCEQ Clearances (WPAP), TDLR Licensing, Opinion of Probable Cost, ROW & Easement Preparation, Bidding, Review of Bids and Recommendation to Award Contract, and Construction Administration.

KPA also coordinated with subconsultants for topographic surveying, environmental services, geotechnical evaluation, and signal design.

Construction Cost: $2,409,390

Project Engineers: Alvin R. “Trae” Sutton, III, PE, CFM & Michael C. Newman, PE, CFM